Month: August 2018

  • You ever wanted a fast convenient SSH but sometimes only had a browser?

    You ever wanted a fast convenient SSH but sometimes only had a browser?

    We’ve all been there. A quick need to check something, but we are presented with equipment that only has a browser. Maybe its a kiosk-pc, a laptop at a friends place. Perhaps its a network that blocks all but HTTPS. Well, never fear, you can have a speedy web interface ssh, supporting cut+paste and scroll…

  • Got domain? Its only $1

    Got domain? Its only $1

    A few people have asked me about ‘so how would I get a domain name?’. Well, you head here. It can cost as little as $1. Once you have a domain name, you own * creating the sub-names. But a domain-name in and of itself is not an email address or a web page. Some…

  • Of meetups and chautauqua and topics

    Of meetups and chautauqua and topics

    This week we had the inaugural ‘Waterloo Technology Chautauqua‘. After several hours explaining the finer parts of what Chautauqua means … No wait. We agreed that ~monthly, starting a bit earlier (~7pm), w/ more time spent on interactive chat and less on present would be good. Some topics were discussed, please feel free to vote…

  • My first election campaign! CIRA

    My first election campaign! CIRA

    I’m running for office (well, the board of directors of CIRA), vote early, vote often! There will be an online forum on September 20-27. So CIRA.  If you have a .ca domain, you are a member. If you don’t have a .ca domain, well, why not? “The Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA) is a member-based…

  • A free yubikey w/ a cheap subscription to wired? What’s the catch?

    A free yubikey w/ a cheap subscription to wired? What’s the catch?

    So reddit revealed today they had been hacked. By someone redirecting SMS, so their 2-factor authentication was hacked. Hmm. Well, we all knew SS7 had flaws. The Yubikey. Its a relatively simple way for the average person to have 2-factor without the hassle. And they cost about $50. USB-A, USB-C, NFC, etc. For Windows, Mac,…