Category: all
Beavers Fibre Diet Causes Internet Outage
The dog ate my homework? No? It was a Beaver? Fibre hungry rodent prevents Netflix binge watching!
Pat Benatar Said: Hit Me With Your Best Shot
The first vaccine was for smallpox. It came from Cowpox. Vaccines are named in honour of cows (vacca).
Mandated peering and roaming in Canada
Day long mobile failure? Mandated roaming, madated peering. We need Internet resilient more than we need corporate profit firewalls.
Math and EV Range Are Hard
The case of the reduced range on the Chevy Bolt: human error
This Cat Does Not Exist (take that Shrodinger)
OK brace yourself. There are cat pictures on the Internet. And, apparently we have been running out. So, let’s bring some deepfake machine learning AI GAN tech to bear. Each time you refresh that you get a different fake cat.