The world is getting faster with shorter cycle times. Software releases, once things that celebrated birthdays are now weekly.
Emboldened by the seemingly bullet-proof nature of Kubernetes and Helm, and trying to resolve an issue with an errant log message, I update the nginx-controller. Its easy:
helm upgrade nginx-ingress stable/nginx-ingress
Moments later it is done. And, it seems to be still working. But what’s this? It keeps starting and CrashLoopBackoff two of the Pods? Huh. So I look at the logs.
nginx: [emerg] bind() to failed (2: No such file or directory)
shows up. Hmm. This is the Gitlab ssh forward. It was working before, so I know the configmap is correct. I see that CAP_NET_BIND is enabled, so that should be ok?
After some groping around, I discover its the ‘go-proxy’ which is part of this for some reason. Go doesn’t work with authbind, and thus the securityContext. But nginx is in C, why does this matter? I then happen on this issue. Its fresh. It implies that it will be fixed in 0.20.0.
I apply the workaround:
kubectl set image deployment/nginx-ingress-controller
In doing so I learn about ‘kubectl set image’. Huh, no more patching for me.
Back in the day there were Release Notes. Now, well, you try and then fail and then Google.
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