Month: April 2018
Science, Cats, and Japanese Game Shows: Together at Last
OK, what is the heaviest fish a cat can lift? And, what type of cat is best at lifting fish? Well, now you are only 23 minutes and 19 seconds from knowing. There are some great graphics in here as they go through the math. You are gonna want to watch this from the start.…
More tradeshow shenanigans: a donut wall
Tradeshow real-estate is expensive. You are basically buying floor space to act as a billboard, and generally want to maximise your message and brand. So lets examine some co that might not have got the memo. First, the donut wall. Yes, you read that right mr. simpson. A wall made of donuts (I ate one,…
The Bay area’s finest Internet
Here in the heart of the land Internet made famous. My AirBnB, Internet included. The speed, well, see for yourself at the right. Stupendous. Latency? Enough to get to the moon and back.
A tradeshow giveaway that eats a bit of your soul and ego
Normally you need to go to your other in-law’s to get a pure, honest assessment of what is wrong with you. But this company decided to take that message on the road and package it up as a tradeshow giveaway. A fair and honest appraisal of my appearance? What, is this tinder for tradeshows ?…
Carnot efficiency and high tech. And a PSA: update your home router
So i’m in San Francisco for the next couple of days for a cyber security conference. A city known for technology. And let me share with you some views of how high tech that can be. First i present the indoor closed loop air conditioner. Carnot cycle be damned, I’m sure this all indoor airconditioner…