Tag: electronics
Ceiling fan update: capacitor fixed the motor, working on zigbee for lights
So I obtained a replacement capacitor. The old one (Yuhchang, top) and the new one (Cornell, bottom) are pictured. A quick snip with the soldering iron, and it has proven to fix the motor: no more buzzing after a few minutes of operation. Good! Now, back to the automation part. I’m still mulling over whether…
Robot vacuums: maps, security
So the vac was let loose in a few rooms on the main floor. It uses a laser-ranging dome augmented with sonar. You can see its estimation of my livingroom and kitchen below. The obstacles are things like couches, tables, stairs, fireplaces, etc. its actually quite accurate, the long thin bit is the hall down…
IOT madness: will it suck?
You know how when you order a gadget from china and it can take forever to reach your house, and you’ve forgotten what madness caused you to order a wifi-enabled hairbrush? Well, sometimes that lottery works out. See below, i’ve just been delivered a shiny new robot vacuum w/ radar and (chinese) voice activation! so…
I’ve found the 1 Internet of Things wifi-enabled gadget even I won’t buy!
The smart hair brush. You know you need to live-stream the wetness of your hair, the amount of brush strokes it takes, but you are just too lazy to keep a log? The hair coach is for you. it provides a holistic hair assessment. You know the shark is jumped when you can’t even convince…
More notes on USB OTG charging Nexus 7 (2013)
in msm_chg_aca_detect(), we always end up in the default case when the cable is plugged in. The function calls ulpi_read(phy, 0x87). This always returns 0 (even tho I think ID_A is set based on my 124K resister from pin 4 to 5), which other parts of the system seem to agree, e.g. the smb345 etc.…