Tag: container
The naked cloud: elasticsearch is stretch but doesn’t cover security
Similar to the previous post, there are a lot of infrastructural components that support today’s modern fancy application stacks. One of them, Elasticsearch, is the example used in this post. Its a simple schema-less database that allows you to scale in and out, drop stuff in, and query later. Add a blob and some keys…
The naked cloud: insecure by design (or, how you can’t push a rope)
An evolution is well underway in IT architectures. In the early days, the number of computers were small (and they were in special rooms with physical security). As applications moved out to smaller servers, they stayed in these data centres, and complex network rules (firewalls etc) were deployed to control access to the *machine*. Sets…
Et tu Redis? Another spear in the ‘trusted environment’ ideal
It pains me to say this, but trust is over-rated. You see I grew up in an era of Internet trust. Where you could just expect people would not sniff your telnet password, that port-25 wouldn’t be abused to send spam. I just wrote about etcd, and how its ideal deployment model (trust everyone who…