Author: db

  • The Sisyphean Circus of Security Sux: rowhammer and drammer

    Not that long ago an attack was posited. Use the fact that memory cells are adjacent, that silicon geometry is getting smaller, and that capacitive coupling could cause one cell to influence another. And out of this was born ‘rowhammer‘. If you have a modern processor and modern ram, you can figure out a way…

  • WiFi: going from good to great is very hard

    WiFi: going from good to great is very hard

    So i have a moderately complex home network. 5 access points lurk around, hard wired to each other. 3 of them speak 2.4+5, and 2 of them speak only 2.4GHz. Saturday one of them came up for replacement. And since it covers a small area and is the main north-south gateway for my house, I…

  • Guess a MAC, change a light switch

    Guess a MAC, change a light switch

    Here’s a great discussion on Amazon reviews about a Smart WiFi switch. You buy it, bring it home, plug it into your wall, and plug some appliance into it. Then you can simply hit a button on your phone and that appliance goes to work. Perhaps its a light, perhaps a blender! Sounds simple and…

  • Goodbye tunnel broker, hello dual stack ipv6

    For many years now I have been using the (free) Hurricane Electric Tunnel Broker. If you don’t have ipv6, its free and very simple to setup and I highly recommend it. But, time moves on, and dual stack is better than 6in4 tunnel broker. For both latency, and throughput. So I was very excited to…

  • Red carpet blackhole network impairments

    So i’m sitting in the United Club in Denver. The amenities are almost too many to list on the longest fingers of one hand. And good Internet is certainly one of the amenities that is lacking. So i decided to dig into it and share with you so that next time you are in a…