1947-2021: RIP old man






20 Responses to “1947-2021: RIP old man”

  1. Robert Carey

    Was this your dad? Sorry to hear Don. My condolences!

  2. Jayme Snyder

    My condolences Don.

  3. A great photo. I see where your rebel cred comes from.
    Sorry Don.

  4. Niloy

    My sincere condolences. May his memory be eternal. May his soul rest in peace.

  5. Jason Mills

    Condolences Don.

  6. Mohsin Sohail

    My Condolences Don, may his soul rest in peace.

  7. ezer goshen

    Don. Sorry to hear. My condolences

  8. Rik Neutelings

    My sincere condolences.

  9. Ramazan Ozbilen

    My sincere condolences

  10. Nelson Rojas

    My condolences Don.

  11. Nelson Rojas

    My sincere condolences Don.

  12. Nelson Rojas

    My sincere condolences.
    Sorry Don.

  13. Scott

    Sorry for your loss Don.

  14. Lucas

    sorry to hear Don.
    sending all the love to you and your family <3

  15. Corey Martella

    Condolences Don, may you take solace in the great memories of a life well lived

  16. Stefan Sebastian

    May his memory be a blessing

  17. Bogdan Frusina

    Sorry for your loss.

  18. Michael Carmody

    Don and Ivan my condolences. Cool bike.

  19. Askar Ali Khan

    Don. Sorry to hear. My condolences

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