Month: September 2018

  • Burn down the world (figuratively) get probation. The enforcement side of cyber-security

    Burn down the world (figuratively) get probation. The enforcement side of cyber-security

    A couple of years ago Mirai burst on the scene. It used your DVR, your camera, and took them over and went on a criminal rampage of DDoS, click-fraud, DDoS for hire, rental to other criminals. Large infrastructure (like Dyn) went offline. There is a very real chance that people died due to secondary impacts.…

  • CIRA campaign forum is open

    Got a .ca domain? You’re a cira member. Feel free to head on over to and chip in your $0.02 on the ‘AMA’ with the candidates. Voting starts on the 27th. As campaign debates go, I doubt this will get to the level of ‘interest’ that e.g. small-hands type debates get to. Civil discourse. But…

  • When your security tools cost more than the thing they protect

    When your security tools cost more than the thing they protect

    Lets say you have a micro-services app. Its got a bunch of containers that you’ve orchestrated out with Kubernetes. Deployments, Pods, Daemonsets all over the place. Autoscaling. You are happy. Now it comes time to implement that pesky ‘security’ step. You are a bit nervous, there’s no internal firewall, all the services listen on port…

  • Why ranked voting doesn’t work: Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem

    We’ve been talking about election reform a lot. One of the methods mooted as an alternative to First-Past-The-Post is ‘Ranked’. You give each candidate a ranking of where you would vote them. Today I learned about Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem. In a nutshell it says that if the goals are: If every voter prefers alternative X…

  • Upcoming CIRA election, my thoughts on policy directions

    Upcoming CIRA election, my thoughts on policy directions

    Earlier I wrote about my first election campaign, for CIRA. Tomorrow (Sept 20th) there is an online town hall. If you are a cira member ( you will get a link to the forum when it opens. Are you a member? Check here. So I started putting together my thoughts. CIRA is the (DNS) registration…