We’ve all been there. We want to know what traffic some python script or something creates. But, well, its the cloud era, and our device is chirping all the time at DNS, at gmail, etc. We try capturing too much and then filtering out. We try idling down the other culprits. If only there was a better way!
Well, put on your peril-sensitive sunglasses my friends. From the house of hack comes this lovely little script. Run it and you will end up in a shell with wireshark open. All the traffic derived from that shell will show up in that wireshark, and nothing else. When you exit the shell, wireshark is gone.
Its pretty self-explanatory to anyone with an advanced degree in bash and namespaces and veths.
#!/bin/sh [ $(id -u) != 0 ] && exec sudo "$0" "$@" DEFAULT_IF=$(ip route get | awk '{ print $5}') DEFAULT_SRC=$(ip route get | awk '{ print $7}') purge() { ip netns del capme 2>/dev/null ip link del veth-in 2>/dev/null ip link del veth-out 2>/dev/null iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -s -o $DEFAULT_IF -j SNAT --to-source $DEFAULT_SRC 2>/dev/null } purge set -e ip netns add capme ip link add veth-in type veth peer name veth-out ip link set veth-in netns capme ip netns exec capme ip addr add dev veth-in ip netns exec capme ip link set dev veth-in up ip addr add dev veth-out ip link set dev veth-out up ip netns exec capme ip route add default via dev veth-in mkdir -p /etc/netns/capme echo nameserver > /etc/netns/capme/resolv.conf ip netns exec capme ip link set dev lo up ip netns exec capme ip route add dev lo ip link set dev veth-out multicast off ip netns exec capme ip link set dev veth-in multicast off echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o $DEFAULT_IF -j SNAT --to-source $DEFAULT_SRC sudo ip netns exec capme wireshark -i veth-in & pid=$! echo "pid is... $pid" echo "Until exit, all commands run in sub-namespace and are captured in wireshark" sudo ip netns exec capme bash sudo ip netns pids capme | xargs sudo ip netns exec capme xargs -r kill -9 sleep 1 purge
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