Month: June 2018

  • Blockchain vs GDPR: fight?

    Blockchain vs GDPR: fight?

    OK here’s a puzzle for you. Blockchain. Its immutable, for all time. And that’s the point, its not a side-affect. So, that pizza you bought a few years ago with Bitcoin, someday digital archaeologists will puzzle over why you felt anchovies were the right choice for that topping. And yes it will be you, its…

  • Moving into a new (cloud) neighbourhood? Check its reputation!

    Moving into a new (cloud) neighbourhood? Check its reputation!

    When you move to a new neighbourhood, you do some research. Are the schools good? The neighbours cooking the finest meth? That sort of thing. Its a reputation associated with that neighbourhood. In the cloud, that neighbourhood is two things: the IaaS provider itself, and, who had that public IP last. And, well, cloud instances…

  • Oh Snap! Fonts in Roman Times

    Oh Snap! Fonts in Roman Times

    Those looking for cats, iot killer robot security issues, or high level society issues, avert your eyes. Fonts. There’s a lot of them. I understand people have strong emotional attachment to them, there’s the pro and con ComicSans group for example. But generally, as an end user, you just want the doc to look like…

  • Security of the upstream code, and, the importance of the egress firewall

    We talked earlier about languages and tools like Go, Python, Docker, Nodejs, that directly import, live, their upstream. And my shock on deploying a SAST tool. Here’s a concrete example. A python package was modified on PyPi. It was reported (as below), showing how this is just on PyPi, not on github (side note: do…

  • Outdoor kitty update: he’s back

    Outdoor kitty update: he’s back

    So a week of warm weather, no cat. Today, its 9°C, and cat. Here you can see OK being inspected by TC (The Cat, AKA my cat) as he chomps down some chow. I should start charting this, there should be some sort of Nobel prize here somewhere. The ‘friendliness’ vs ‘temperature’ of feral cats.…