Month: May 2018

  • Deep state idle

    Deep state idle

    If you thought the last couple of posts were a little low level, you may wish to avert your eyes. If acpidump is your thing, read-on. If you want to hear of my struggle with a consumer electronics companies customer support? This is for you. So, recently have aquired a pair of fairly expensive laptops…

  • Today’s post brought to you by the letter ‘k’: quickly re-pull an image in kubernetes

    Today’s post brought to you by the letter ‘k’: quickly re-pull an image in kubernetes

    What do KDE, Kubernetes, and Krusty the Klown have in common? They all paid attention in English class where they taught us about cacaphony. In Xanadu did Kubla Khan a stately pleasure dome decree. And all their commands are ‘k*’. Ps, poor euphony, never used. So here’s a ‘k*’ for you. You are developing along.…

  • Mjölnir: nethammers arrive a few years later than rowhammers

    Mjölnir: nethammers arrive a few years later than rowhammers

    OK, I just liked all the dots in the Mjölnir 🙂 So, a few years ago we first heard of Row Hammer. It exploits the fact that memory is laid out as a grid, and, that adjacent bits can be influenced to flip using capacitance. And this is a disaster, e.g. you can change the ‘privilege’ bit…

  • DDoS my wallet: more on cloud pricing

    So I now have my massive IT infrastructure (rev 1.0) online and ready to rock and or roll. And i’m looking at the ‘logging’ and ‘analytics’ that are included. Interesting, good to know its there if I ever want to debug something. But wait, I’m paying extra for this? And its not even obvious how…

  • Running magnum (Kubernetes orchestration) on OpenStack Queens: lxd to the rescue

    Running magnum (Kubernetes orchestration) on OpenStack Queens: lxd to the rescue

    So the home OpenStack system is running Queens on Ubuntu 18.04, courtesy of Kolla. Great. The all-NVME Ceph I talked about in the previous post is kicking ass and taking names for glance/nova/cinder. Now, lets try some container orchestration and install Kubernetes via Magnum. Make sure to use Fedora-Atomic and not coreos because of this. But also…