Month: March 2018
The smarts inside the smart switch
There’s an old joke, something about a kid getting a drumset for christmas and dad giving the kid a knife and saying “ever wonder whats inside your new drumset?”. Well, you must be dying to know whats in your new Ecobee Switch+. And I can’t believe I forgot to add it to the previous post.…
Smarten-up you wall switch! The Ecobee Switch+ (with various assistants)
So I received my shiny new ecobee Switch+. It takes one of your old stupid wall switches and smartens it up. Its what you need! The ecobee Switch+ integrates with Google/Amazon/Apple/Samsung/IFTT/… Its got a little microphone/speaker, and regular old button to turn on/off. Who doesn’t want their wall talking to them? You need to make…
Advertisement traffic is >=40% of bandwidth
OK, you might be the last person standing w/o running an Adblocker. But did you know that up to 40% of your bandwidth is going to those ads? Read this fairly simple study from SFU. Now, depending on the tariff you are on (worst case being pay-per-byte, best case being unlimited) this means that up…
The curious case of the door latch, or, is there anything a rotary tool won’t solve?
OK we’ve all been there. That interior door that doesn’t latch too reliably. In our case, on the master bath. When a house gets middle-aged it, like me, gets a little crooked (squish as they say out east) in places. And, this causes a set of shimming and trimming to cause things to come back…
Shodan adds Canada page!
Woke up this am to a twitter response from @achillean, my wish was granted, we have a Canada dashboard in Shodan now. Sweet. Thanks John! (since you have some time on your hands, have you considered doing an AWS vs Azure vs Google vs Digital Ocean dashboard? 🙂 Now, lets take a look. As you…