The new Corsair supply and Netdata

So a side affect of this mornings issue with the UPS is I have a new power supply, and it has usb-accessible sensors. If we build OpenCorsairLink, we can access them:

# OpenCorsairLink.elf --device 0
Dev=0, CorsairLink Device Found: HX750i!

Product: HX750i
Firmware: NA
Temperature 0: 40.50 C
Temperature 1: 33.50 C
Powered: 13161 (0d.  3h)
Uptime: 13161 (0d.  3h)
Supply Voltage: 115.00
Total Watts: 116.00
Output 12v:
        Voltage 12.16
        Amps  7.50
        Watts 88.00
Output 5v:
        Voltage  5.00
        Amps  5.00
        Watts 25.00
Output 3.3v:
        Voltage  3.31
        Amps  0.62
        Watts  2.00

Seems like the kind of thing you’d want to graph right? And netdata is the tool of choice for system graphing.

So first, we want to make the device readable by netdata (rather than having it run as root!). So lets put a rule in udev:

# cat /lib/udev/rules.d/50-corsair.rules
 SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1b1c", ATTRS{idProduct}=="1c05", GROUP="netdata", MODE="0664"

done. Restart the systemd-udevd, and trygger:

systemctl restart systemd-udevd.service
udevadm trigger

OK, now check the permissions worked:

# ls -al /dev/bus/usb/001/003 
crw-rw-r-- 1 root netdata 189, 2 Nov 26 16:50 /dev/bus/usb/001/003


OK, now we need to parse that output. Its not overly complex, not designed for simple scraping, but should be trivial with some Python.

OK, lets put this script in /usr/libexec/netdata/python.d, and we are golden!

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Description: OpenCorsairLink netdata python module
# Author: Don Bowman (

#from bases.FrameworkServices.ExecutableService import ExecutableService
from base import ExecutableService

# default module values (can be overridden per job in `config`)
update_every = 5
priority = 60000
retries = 5

# charts order (can be overridden if you want less charts, or different order)
ORDER = ['temp', 'input_voltage', 'output_wattage',
 'out_v', 'out_a', 'out_w',

    # id: {
    #     'options': [name, title, units, family, context, charttype],
    #     'lines': [
    #         [unique_dimension_name, name, algorithm, multiplier, divisor]
    #     ]}
    'temp': {
        'options': [None, "PSU Temp0", "C", 'psu', 'psu.temp0', 'line'],
        'lines': [
            ['temp0',   'temp0', 'absolute', 1, 100],
            ['temp1',   'temp1', 'absolute', 1, 100]
    'input_voltage': {
        'options': [None, "PSU Input Voltage", "V", 'psu', 'psu.input_voltage', 'line'],
        'lines': [
            ['input_voltage',   'input_voltage', 'absolute', 1, 100]
    'output_wattage': {
        'options': [None, "PSU Output Wattage", "V", 'psu', 'psu.output_wattage', 'line'],
        'lines': [
            ['output_wattage',   'output_wattage', 'absolute', 1, 100]
    'out_v': {
        'options': [None, "PSU Voltage", "V", 'psu', 'psu.out_v', 'line'],
        'lines': [
            ['out_12v_v',   'out_12v_v', 'absolute', 1, 100],
            ['out_5v_v',   'out_5v_v', 'absolute', 1, 100],
            ['out_3v_v',   'out_3v_v', 'absolute', 1, 100]
    'out_a': {
        'options': [None, "PSU Amperage", "A", 'psu', 'psu.out_a', 'line'],
        'lines': [
            ['out_12v_a',   'out_12v_a', 'absolute', 1, 100],
            ['out_5v_a',   'out_5v_a', 'absolute', 1, 100],
            ['out_3v_a',   'out_3v_a', 'absolute', 1, 100]
    'out_w': {
        'options': [None, "PSU Wattage", "W", 'psu', 'psu.out_w', 'line'],
        'lines': [
            ['out_12v_w',   'out_12v_w', 'absolute', 1, 100],
            ['out_5v_w',   'out_5v_w', 'absolute', 1, 100],
            ['out_3v_w',   'out_3v_w', 'absolute', 1, 100]

class Service(ExecutableService):
    def __init__(self, configuration=None, name=None):
        ExecutableService.__init__(self, configuration=configuration, name=name)
        self.command = "OpenCorsairLink.elf --device 0"
        self.order = ORDER
        self.definitions = CHARTS

    def _get_data(self):
        Format data received from shell command
        :return: dict
        raw_data = self._get_raw_data()
        self.debug('raw_data: <<%s>>' % raw_data)
        if not raw_data:
            return None

        ckeys = {}
        ckeys['Temperature 0'] = 'temp0'
        ckeys['Temperature 1'] = 'temp1'
        ckeys['Supply Voltage'] = 'input_voltage'
        ckeys['Total Watts'] = 'output_wattage'
        ckeys['Output 12v'] = '12v'
        ckeys['Output 5v'] = '5v'
        ckeys['Output 3.3v'] = '3v'

        data = {}
        lm = ''
        raw_data = ''.join(raw_data)
        for l in raw_data.split('\n'):
            l = ''.join(l.strip())
            self.debug('l: <<%s>>' % l)
            fields = l.split(':')
            if len(fields) > 1:
                keyn = ''.join(fields[0]).strip()
                keyv = ''.join(fields[1]).strip()
                if keyn in ckeys:
                    x = ckeys.get(keyn,"None")
                    if len(keyv):
                        keyv = keyv.split(' ')[0]
                        data[x] = int ( float(keyv) * 100)
                    lm = x
            elif len(lm) > 0:
                fields = l.split(' ')
                if (fields[0] == 'Voltage'):
                    data['out_%s_v' % lm] = int( float(fields[-1]) * 100)
                elif (fields[0] == 'Amps'):
                    data['out_%s_a' % lm] = int( float(fields[-1]) * 100)
                elif (fields[0] == 'Watts'):
                    data['out_%s_w' % lm] = int( float(fields[-1]) * 100)

        self.debug('data: <<%s>>' % data)
        return data






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