OK, we are now rooted. When i enabled bluetooth it fails, and i see below in the dmesg output.
<4>[ 267.400000] [## BT ##] tcc_bt_dev_open <4>[ 267.400000] [## BT ##] tcc_bt_dev_ioctl cmd[60004] arg[1232841404] <4>[ 267.410000] [## BT ##] IOCTL_BT_DEV_POWER cmd[60004] parm1[1] <4>[ 267.410000] [## BT ##] tcc_bt_power_control input[1] <4>[ 267.930000] [## BT ##] tcc_bt_dev_ioctl cmd[60005] arg[1232841392] <4>[ 267.930000] [## BT ##] IOCTL_BT_DEV_SPECIFIC cmd[60005] <4>[ 267.940000] [## BT ##] module[0x12] <4>[ 268.040000] [UART01] setting ulcon: 0000001b, umcon: 00000002, brddiv to 48, baud 38400, uart_clk 294117 <4>[ 278.470000] [## BT ##] tcc_bt_dev_release <4>[ 278.550000] [UART01] setting ulcon: 00000003, umcon: 00000002, brddiv to 48, baud 38400, uart_clk 294117 <4>[ 278.550000] [UART01] setting ulcon: 00000003, umcon: 00000002, brddiv to 1, baud 3000000, uart_clk 480000 <4>[ 278.550000] [UART01] setting ulcon: 0000001b, umcon: 00000002, brddiv to 1, baud 3000000, uart_clk 480000 <4>[ 278.580000] *************UART_LSR_OE!!!!!!!!!!! At the same time, in logcat, this happens: D/BluetoothService( 1120): Bluetooth state 10 -> 11 V/BluetoothEventRedirector( 1289): Received android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED I/bluedroid( 1120): [##### TCC BT #####] set_bluetooth_power [1] W/ActivityManager( 1120): Permission denied: checkComponentPermission() reqUid=1000 W/ActivityManager( 1120): Permission Denial: broadcasting Intent { act=android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED flg=0x10000000 (has extras) } from android (pid=1435, uid=10035) requires null due to receiver com.android.settings/com.android.settings.widget.SettingsAppWidgetProvider I/bluedroid( 1120): [##### TCC BT #####] BT_INFO module[18] I/bluedroid( 1120): [##### TCC BT #####] Starting bccmd app D/WifiHW ( 1120): command: DRIVER RSSI-APPROX D/WifiHW ( 1120): reply: SSID rssi 5 D/WifiHW ( 1120): Speed 150 D/WifiHW ( 1120): command: DRIVER LINKSPEED D/WifiHW ( 1120): reply: LinkSpeed 150 D/WifiHW ( 1120): ? D/dalvikvm( 1120): GC_CONCURRENT freed 564K, 46% free 4826K/8775K, external 717K/1039K, paused 9ms+3ms
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