Tag: security

  • The case of the nosy neighbour: Azure is poking me!

    The case of the nosy neighbour: Azure is poking me!

    We’ve all been there. Working to a deadline trying to get our e-commerce site going to make sure cats don’t get cold feet for the winter. And because its a microservices cloud jwt polyglot kubernetes istio [insert jargon here] world, well, its not as easy to debug. So many moving pieces. Remember when I said…

  • The quest for minimalism

    The quest for minimalism

    Earlier I wrote about the ‘elastic-prune‘ a simple cron-job that lived in Kubernetes to clean up an Elasticsearch database. When I wrote it, I decided to give ‘distroless‘ a whirl. Why distroless? Some will say its because of size, they are searching for the last byte of free space (and thus speed of launching). But,…

  • Pruning elastics with Kubernetes CronJobs

    Pruning elastics with Kubernetes CronJobs

    There was a time you just ran ‘crontab -e’ to make this happen. But, progress, are you still on my lawn? Lets discuss how to solve the specific issue of ‘my database fills up my disk’ in a Cloud Native way. So the situation. I’m using ElasticSearch and fluent-bit for some logging in a Kubernetes cluster.…

  • Misguided auto-updates in a container world

    Misguided auto-updates in a container world

    Let’s say one day you are casually browsing the logs of your giant Kubernetes cluster. You spot this log message: “npm update check failed”. Hmm. Fortunately you have an egress firewall enabled, blocking all outbound traffic other than to your well-known API’s, so you know why it failed. You now worry that maybe some of…

  • The brave new world of soldering iron software: work-around QuickCharge 3.0 charger issue

    The brave new world of soldering iron software: work-around QuickCharge 3.0 charger issue

    Recently I bought the TS80. I was sad to find that it does not do USB-C PD, only the proprietary Qualcomm QuickCharge 3.0. I was even sadder to find that, although the OLED and software will work @ 5V, it will cowardly refuse to light the engine and make heat. I was even sadder to…