Category: all
Your Ongoing pwnage, your phone #, and why SMS is a bad idea
Another day another breach. ~550M facebook users have their, well, everything including their colonscopy results, released online for cheap. And, this includes (for many) their phone number. Should you care?
Spring has sprung, the nails is ris
Spring has sprung, and with it the nails that seek bike tires.
Why does this exist now (and why did it not then): the 4 port Ethernet USB
The 4-port GiGE USB widget. Why do you exist? Where where you when I needed you? And why do I have you now?
The Vaccine Story (no, not that vaccine, an other one)
Years ago I was required to go to somewhere in western africa, some place that you needed a Yellow Fever shot to enter. Around here the way that is accomplished is you to go to the travel nurse. I did my research, I went, this is the story.
OK universe, I challenge you: snow tires off
OK, despite history being against me, the snows are off and the summers are on. Usually this is followed by a blizzard and ice rain. Not this year, right?