So a big change in plans.
I bought a used stock AM/FM radio for my vehicle (2011 silverado), and removed the guts.
the new N7 is slightly too wide, so a bit of dremelling was needed.
Have acquired a single-wire-can to differential canbus converter and a usb canbus reader (for the low-speed canbus, e.g. steering wheel controls), an ELM327 OBD-2 (Canbus) to bluetooth (for the high-speed canbus), a RL2832 dongle for the FM radio (SDR), a 12V to 5V buck-boost power supply @ 10A, and an ‘easycap’ for the rear-view camera.
The stock kernel doesn’t have module loading enabled (BOO). So now setting up an AOSP build environment to make kernel to enable the Stk1160 driver.
Instructions are here for the most part (and here for the stack oversize warning). You want the device/asus/flo-kernel/kernel and the msm kernel, and then do a git checkout of remotes/origin/android-msm-flo-3.4-jb-mr2
I pulled the prebuilt toolchain from here and checked out the remotes/origin/jb-release branch.
so far so good, i ran make -i ARCH=arm SUBARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-eabi- -j6 flo_defconfig, and then make -i ARCH=arm SUBARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-eabi- -j6 menuconfig to enable the module loading, and the easycap driver.
Here’s what we are looking like now.
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