Month: August 2018

  • Git, fork, use: how do I?

    Git, fork, use: how do I?

    So by now the git-flow of ‘Fork the upstream, create a branch in your repo, make a change, submit a pull request, delete your branch and pull from upstream’ is well known. Github, gitlab, slightly different but similar. But what I don’t see is… what about the case where I have many pull requests in…

  • Changing the size of a persistent volume in Kubernetes 1.10 on GKE

    Changing the size of a persistent volume in Kubernetes 1.10 on GKE

    In Kubernetes v1.11 you can resize persistent volume claims. Great! Sadly, Google has not rolled this out to us great unwashed yet (its available to early-adopters or for everyone on alpha clusters), we are on v1.10. Side note: Docker registry. One of the most commonly asked questions is: how do I delete or clean up?…

  • Tales from the road: Paris airports and scooter cabs

    Tales from the road: Paris airports and scooter cabs

    You arrive a Paris CDG. Its early am there, your body is telling you its much earlier. You are tired. You have a meeting in about 2 hours. Its in La Défense, ~30-40km away.  Normally this is not a big deal, you get on the RER and head there. But today (like actually quite a lot…

  • Tales from the road: homesick in china? We’ll fix that for you!

    Tales from the road: homesick in china? We’ll fix that for you!

    My first trip to china was in ~2006. I was there for many weeks visiting the same company. Every day I would arrive, we’d go through some more of how things worked, how we could integrate our products. Their team didn’t speak much English, an interpreter was assigned. But she was also to become an…

  • The intimidator: meet the new bike chain

    The intimidator: meet the new bike chain

    So, bike v1, rest in peace. You were secured by an inferior lock and coveted by a weak person. We can’t fix the moral character of folks, but, well, lets see about the lock. Now first you should no, no lock is impenetrable. All of them will fall victim to an angle-grinder after a bit…