Month: December 2017
Blockchain and supply-chain management: its not just me!
Looks like others feel that blockchain and supply-management are a good match. This article in the Globe&Mail goes into some details on using it in the food supply chain, including information on a pilot by WalMart (which sells 20% of the food in the US, OMG I’m not sure how I feel about that!). They have…
The environmental disaster that is bitcoin: get some efficiency or GTFO
I’m a big fan of blockchain technology and crypto-currency as a concept. The general strategy that BitCoin employed was a genius ecosystem: Allow people to gain wealth, but force them to show evidence of work, and then use that work to drive the transactions and blockchain math that makes the network go. Great. Except… they…
3-way switch replacement: puzzlement
So today I was planning on replacing the 3-way dimmers from the earlier project. This should be really simple, I obtained a GE 45857 (zigbee dimmer) and a GE 12723 (add-a-switch). Just need to pop the old ones out and replace me thinks. So, trip the breaker, open them up and… WTF? There is only…
Edison, Elephants, Subscription light switches, and Automation to reduce power usage
So Thomas Edison. Yes he purposely electrocuted an elephant to make AC power look unsafe. But he was also an early pioneer in lightbulbs, most famously, the edison-type bulb. You probably have a bunch of A19/E26 bulbs kicking around your house, even if they have been converted to compact fluorescent or LED to reduce power.…
Tis the season for 3D cookie hackery
So you want to make gingerbread cookies, and you are missing the cutter? Options? Make rectangular or circular cookies? Drive to the store and spend a few $ on a cutter? How about using the 3D printer! Works a treat! $0.65 of filament.