Tag: security

  • PSA: launcher.gcr.io is not being maintained

    PSA: launcher.gcr.io is not being maintained

    So you might have cut and paste some code from somewhere, maybe an ‘from launcher.gcr.io/debian9’ kind of thing. That’s a good upstream, right? They are maintaining it with a strong CI? When suddenly you read Hmm. Double whammy. You have been relying since 2018-07-18 on something which is not being updated (and daily rebuilding your…

  • Ontario Cannabis is first past the post for PIPEDA breach disclosure

    Ontario Cannabis is first past the post for PIPEDA breach disclosure

    So Nov 1 the new breach notification requirements came online. I was wondering who would have the honour of the first, and, it seems it might be OCS (wiki). In the CBC story they blame the post office, just like in Friends. Interestingly tho, one can reverse engineer the customer size. In the article they say ‘4500…

  • Kubernetes volume-mounts with subPath and inotify. Bah humbug

    Kubernetes volume-mounts with subPath and inotify. Bah humbug

    So. I’ve been working on this tool ‘fluent-bit‘. You know the drill. Compile, curse, change, pull-request, repeat. And one of the features I added was to auto-watch its config file and restart on change. This is important in a Kubernetes environment since you supply config via a ‘config map’, and expect it to auto-apply. Great.…

  • DNS roulette

    DNS roulette

    We’ve all heard of Russian roulette, the game where you take a 6-shooter, put 1 bullet in it, spin it, and point it at your head. I’m hoping this only exists in movies. But what about DNS roulette? Here’s an example. I’m using a web service (Travis) as a CI. And like all good microservices…

  • The fastest hacking tool in the world is a microphone

    The fastest hacking tool in the world is a microphone

    People freeze up when a microphone is thrust in their face. They shut down the though processes and go with it. Lets see about passwords. They should be: Not a pet’s name nor related to your age Not be where you are from Not shared with strangers on the street Lets see how these random…