Tag: container

  • Changing the size of a persistent volume in Kubernetes 1.10 on GKE

    Changing the size of a persistent volume in Kubernetes 1.10 on GKE

    In Kubernetes v1.11 you can resize persistent volume claims. Great! Sadly, Google has not rolled this out to us great unwashed yet (its available to early-adopters or for everyone on alpha clusters), we are on v1.10. Side note: Docker registry. One of the most commonly asked questions is: how do I delete or clean up?…

  • My build is slow: understanding resource limits and steal time in the cloudy world of cloud

    My build is slow: understanding resource limits and steal time in the cloudy world of cloud

    I earlier wrote about steal time, the concept of “my image wants to use time but its not available due to some unknown noisy neighbour stealing it”.  In a nutshell, you have a server with X resources. You then ‘sell’ 10X to your users, making it 10:1 oversubscribed. The Internet industry of late has been…

  • Ceph in the city: introducing my local Kubernetes to my ‘big’ Ceph cluster

    Ceph in the city: introducing my local Kubernetes to my ‘big’ Ceph cluster

    Ceph has long been a favourite technology of mine. Its a storage mechanism that just scales out forever. Gone are the days of raids and complex sizing / setup. Chuck all your disks into whatever number of servers, and let ceph take care of it. Want more read speed? Let it have more read replicas.…

  • Downward scaling the cloud

    Downward scaling the cloud

    One of the things you will find as you go on your journey through the cloud is that the downward-scalability is very poor. Cloud is designed for a high upfront cost (people time and equipment $$$). But after that, it scales very linearly for a long way. This is great if you are a cog…

  • Attack of the rack: the killer was in the house!

    Attack of the rack: the killer was in the house!

    You know the joke about the crappy horror movie, they trace the IP, its, the killer was in the house (localhost)? True story, this just happened to me. So settle down and listen to a tale of NAT, Proxy, Kubernetes, and Fail2Ban (AKA Rack Attack in ruby land). You see, we run a modest…