Category: all

  • Cold weather and stray cats

    Cold weather and stray cats

    Earlier we talked about Outdoor Kitty. Lets compare photos, the one on the left is from the other night, the one on the right from October. The difference? About 50°C. The one on the left is about -25°C, the one on the right about 25°C. You can see the little cat house in the background…

  • Decoding the Airthings Wave Radon output

    Decoding the Airthings Wave Radon output

    OK, so i ran the Airthings Wave for a few weeks, I ended up with an average of ~20-30Bq/m^3, which is below the Health Canada worry line of 200Bq/m^3. Now, its time to look at how to make this integrate with my Home Assistant. The device uses Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), and is integrated via…

  • Slaac’ing off on ipv6 privacy

    Slaac’ing off on ipv6 privacy

    IPv6. Yes its a thing, yes you want it, etc. But did you know it can add more tracking footprint to an already highly trackable world? IPv6 is commonly allocated within a home environment using a protocol called SLAAC (stateless local address auto configuration). Its sort of a fancy way of picking an IP address…

  • What are we buying? A wifi baby camera. Will it be secure?

    What are we buying? A wifi baby camera. Will it be secure?

    Armed with $20 and an interest in learninghacking, I visited Canada Computers today to see what ‘extended boxing week sale’ they had. And lo and behold, it was this. A Trendnet WiFi HD Baby Cam TV-IP745SIC. $19. Sweet. Since this is designed to be in your home, monitoring your baby, with bidirectional audio, and cloud…

  • The Internet of Radon Things

    The Internet of Radon Things

    Earlier this week someone brought up Radon gas. He was somewhat surprised that we all knew about it, but we didn’t know enough it turns out. Health Canada has a great resource on it here, including a survey of the prevalence in homes. Radon is the leading cause of lung cancer in non-smokers, and the…