Month: December 2019
City Operations: Snow removal
I don’t know what surprises me more: there is a 2-hour 4K video of snow removal? That 1.1M people have viewed it? That @ 1:47:39 we happen upon a snow pile so high that they tunneled through it for pedestrians? Anyway you look at it, its better than most reality tv out there.
Project lightboard
So today I headed to home depot. In the decking aisle I obtained a 42×36″ piece of glass designed to be a railing. I purchased a pair of 2×4″ w/ a groove cut as well. I then bodged these together, somewhat like below. I took a LED light strip and wrapped it around the glass…
Phase 1 of blocking robo calls goes live in Canada today
The CBC did a good job of explaining the phases and restrictions. In a nutshell, as of December 19, 2019, Telco in Canada must either block invalid caller ID numbers (e.g. ones that are not dialable), or, provide the user some filtering options. Now, this will be unlikely to make much difference. The spammers just…
Legal AI Chatbots: how long before privilege attaches?
Let me introduce you to Legal Linda. I met her on a lawyers site. Our relationship is either purely professional, or non-existent, depending on how you view it. Legal Linda assures me that she is artificially intelligent (no word on the certified Turing test results). But she also reminds me that I don’t have an…
TIL that the git-hash for docker:dind and shaggy from scooby-doo are related
You are welcome.