Month: September 2018

  • Randomise your mac address to deter wifi tracking

    Randomise your mac address to deter wifi tracking

    Wander from airport to cafe? You leak a permanent identifier as you go (your mac address). And this allows you to be globally tracked. Good news everybody, your are a couple of keystrokes from fixing this. You’ll be using network manager today. To setup randomised MAC-addresses by default to all WiFi connections, create /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/00-random.conf like so:…

  • Private dns is the tastiest part of (android) pie

    Private dns is the tastiest part of (android) pie

    Did u know that dns leaks a ton of information about your private tls (https) browsing? and that its widely used to do so? New dns protocols (DNS over HTTPS, DoH) and (DNS over TLS, DoT) can protect you from this. Earlier I showed how to do that here. Great. But what about my mobile?…

  • Minnesota love

    Minnesota love

    I’m here in the twin cities for the fabled triple header (twins baseball, gopher football, viking football). The weather is here wish you were beautiful as the great bard Buffet would say. So we’re out at the first game and scouting the best sausage joint and what do we spot? Looks like a Twins fan,…

  • Accessing a service in a different namespace from a single ingress in Kubernetes

    Accessing a service in a different namespace from a single ingress in Kubernetes

    IPv4. Its rare when its public, and annoying when its private. So we try and conserve this precious resource. One of the things that makes it complex is Kubernetes namespaces. A Kubernetes Ingress controller is not namespace aware (you can’t have a shared Ingress that has services in multiple namespaces). Or can you? What if…

  • Automatically ssh to virtual machine with private IP without a jump box, as if it were public

    Automatically ssh to virtual machine with private IP without a jump box, as if it were public

    Several years ago I presented @ OpenStack Vancouver summit. At that time I was running our Openstack setup with a much smaller pool of public IPv4 than number of instances. I had come up with a solution that allowed the end users to ssh directly to their machines, as if they had a public IP,…