Month: January 2017
Harden a home: how hard!
So on last nights security scan of my home, I found a new and interesting thing. Specifically, a TFTP server running. Huh. That is normally something I bring up to rescue some widget that is old-school almost-bricked. Now, where is it. Its on the ring1. (ring0 is the hard-wire between my 3 larger servers, doesn’t go anywhere.…
Do you remember when electricity was a little less smart?
Another day, another Internet widget dissected. This time its the Kankun smart plug. Now with English APP. For between $10-$20 you can make any electrical outlet in your home into a smart one, and turn it off via the power of the Internet! Sounds easy. And there was some Eglish’s good clicky here! in the…
I’ve found the 1 Internet of Things wifi-enabled gadget even I won’t buy!
The smart hair brush. You know you need to live-stream the wetness of your hair, the amount of brush strokes it takes, but you are just too lazy to keep a log? The hair coach is for you. it provides a holistic hair assessment. You know the shark is jumped when you can’t even convince…